10 Tips for Maximizing Your Profits with altFINS Crypto Screener

4 min read November 3, 2023
Lenka Fetyko

10 Tips for Maximizing Your Profits with altFINS Crypto Screener

Hey there, fellow crypto traders!

If you’re looking for an edge in the cryptocurrency trading, we’ve got a tool you need to know about – the altFINS Crypto Screener. In this article, we’ll break down why you should give it a shot and share some handy tips and tricks to help you find those golden trading opportunities.

Why Should You Consider altFINS Crypto Screener?

Here’s why it’s worth your attention:

1. Tailored Market Scans

Are you a day trader, a swing trader, or a HODLer? Whatever your style, altFINS has your back with over 100 pre-set filters and custom market scans that can supercharge your market analysis.

2. Deep Dive Analysis

altFINS sorts your results into 9 tabs: Overview, Charts, Performance, Trend, Momentum, Patterns, Revenue, Market Cap, TVL. These tabs serve up the nitty-gritty on price, market cap, volume, trend indicators, oscillators and on-chain data.

3. Five-Time Intervals

Choose from five time intervals, from 15 minutes to 1 day, depending on your trading style and strategy. Shorter intervals mean more action, while longer ones offer a broader perspective.

4. Smart Alerts

Missed opportunities are a thing of the past. Set up alerts for assets that match your filter criteria. The tool keeps you in the loop, ensuring you never miss a chance to buy or sell.

5. Create Your Custom Screens

With over 120 indicators at your disposal, including moving averages, MACD, and RSI, you can customize your screens to fit your unique trading needs and preferences.

Tips and Tricks to Use altFINS Crypto Screener

Let’s dive into some tips and tricks to get the most out of it:

1. Start with the Big Picture

Begin your journey by checking out the longer time intervals to spot the major trends and long-term investment possibilities. This is your foundation for success.

2. Choose Your Comfort Zone

Find the time interval that feels right for your trading style. Whether you’re into quick scalping or prefer the patience of swing trading, make sure your choice matches your vibe.

3. Blend Short and Long Intervals

Why limit yourself to one when you can have it all? Trade across different time intervals simultaneously for more opportunities and the best of both worlds.

4. Craft Smart Alerts

Set up alerts for specific filter criteria that match your trading strategy. Be precise about what you want, and let altFINS do the heavy lifting in finding assets that meet your criteria.

5. Double-Check the Trends

Before making a move based on a short-term signal, make sure the asset shows a similar trend on longer time intervals. This extra step keeps impulsiveness at bay.

6. Keep an Eye on Volume

Volume is a crucial indicator. High trading volume can indicate market interest and liquidity, making it easier to enter and exit trades. Use volume filters to identify assets with active markets.

7. Diversify Your Portfolio

Avoid putting all your eggs in one basket. Diversifying your portfolio can help spread risk and increase the potential for profitable trades.

8. Maintain Risk Management

Crypto markets can be highly volatile. Set clear stop-loss orders and profit targets before entering a trade. Don’t let emotions guide your decisions; stick to your trading plan.

9. Review and Adapt

Regularly review your trading strategies and filters to ensure they remain effective. Markets change, so be prepared to adapt and refine your approach as needed.

10. Combine Fundamental Analysis

While altFINS excels in technical analysis, don’t forget about fundamental factors. Consider news, events, and on-chain data to gauge the overall health and potential of a cryptocurrency. altFINS offers access to such data, so take advantage of it.

To sum it up, altFINS Crypto Screener is your trusty sidekick in the crypto trading universe. Its flexibility, detailed analysis, and alert features are like a treasure map to unlock your trading potential. Follow these tips and tricks, and you’ll be on your way to discovering exciting trading opportunities with confidence.

So, what are you waiting for? Sign up for free and dive into the world of crypto trading with altFINS today!

Happy trading, crypto warriors! 🚀💰

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